Tax 101: and other necessary things
Hello! Welcome to the very first episode of Tax 101: and other necessary things…
I am Mark Nusz, a tax attorney, and your host today. As the name implies, we will be talking about all manner of necessary things… mostly tax.
I picked this name for the series as I think we all understand that taxes are necessary – some would say a “necessary evil,” but, we would not be able to function as a society without some form of taxation. I’ll leave that thorny issue alone. Whatever your affinity for taxes, at least most of us will admit that they are necessary.
In Tax Law – you can find the anSwer
I find taxes somewhat fascinating – that’s why I’ve chosen to work in this field of law. I particularly like the fact that, in most things within the tax realm, there is actually an answer. It may be hard to find…. But, there is usually an answer to be found. This is in marked contrast to most areas of law. In the tax world, we live in the Tax Code. Within these massive volumes, there are all manner of laws that generally cover just about everything. Then we go to the Regulations – here, we find more granular information that typically will answer what we are looking for. There are many other sources of law when it comes to taxes, but we’ll stoop there for now. The point is – when you are working in a Code-based system of law, there is usually an answer and I like that aspect of working in Tax Law.

Now, there is not always an answer. It is in these areas where the going gets tough, and the hours get long. This is where a tax attorney really has to roll up his sleeves… Seriously though, in these grey areas, tax attorneys will generally be employed to save people hundreds of thousands, even millions of dollars by figuring out what the answer might be and determining the likelihood that the answer will come out that way. A topic for another time.
IRS = “The Service”
We all know that the IRS – “The Service” – as it is known in the industry – is the agency that heads up the tax system in our country. I work with lots of good folks at the IRS that process and collect thousands and thousands of tax returns, and millions and millions of dollars. When people get behind in filing and / or paying their taxes, they come see me and we take a look at what can be done. This is where I do most of my work in tax right now – an area of tax law that I call IRS tax, audit, and collection defense. If this sounds like something you might need help with, then give us a call or stop by the website. That information is on the screen now. I hope to hear from you, and please leave your email address with us so we can let you know about new releases of additional and “necessary” information.
I’m Mark Nusz, and thanks for joining me here. So long….
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